1.1 beta 1 (2011-05-29) ----------------------- CHG: Display: UI element has a thin border. NEW: Display: Support for and >highlighted< lines. Three levels of shading are supported. NEW: Display: Support for clickable links. Links can run an application, run a menu command or open a document. NEW: Title formatting: $applink(label,cmd,args), $cmdlink(label,id) and $doclink(label,url) functions to generate links. NEW: Title formatting: $urlencode function; assists with constructing links to web sites. 1.0 RC 1 (2008-07-05) --------------------- FIX: Display: Mouse wheel scrolling. 1.0 beta 6 (2008-07-03) ----------------------- CHG: Display: Removed support for sections. NEW: Display: Vertical scrollbar is shown if necessary. NEW: Display: Keyboard interface for vertical scrolling. NEW: Display: Mouse wheel support for scrolling. 1.0 beta 5 (2008-06-15) ----------------------- FIX: UI Element: Crash during initialization. 1.0 beta 4 (2008-06-13) ----------------------- CHG: Display: Leading and trailing whitespace in normal lines and table cells is no longer ignored. FIX: Display: Last line in the output no longer ignored if it has no linebreak. 1.0 beta 3 (2008-06-13) ----------------------- CHG: Configuration: Format changed. Data from previous versions cannot be imported. CHG: Configuration: Colors can be overridden individually. NEW: Display: Sections. A line containing only "=Title=" will produce a section labeled "Title". The section will be hidden, if it contains only blank lines. NEW: Display: Two-column tables. Use tabulator ($tab) to separate left and right column. 1.0 beta 2 (2008-05-30) ----------------------- NEW: Context menu: "Copy text": Copies the displayed text to the Windows clipboard. CHG: Context menu: Replaced "Follow selection" by "Prefer playing track" which has exactly the opposite meaning. CHG: UI Element: Moved to "Selection Properties" category. CHG: Display: When playback is stopped and the selection is empty, the title formatting script is evaluated when "Prefer playing track" is enabled, otherwise "Nothing selected." is displayed. CHG: Title formatting: %isselected% field; defined when the first item of the selection is used for title formatting instead of the playing track. 1.0 beta 1 (2008-05-30) ----------------------- NEW: Configuration: Per-instance configuration. NEW: Configuration: Horizontal and vertical alignment. NEW: Configuration: Font and color overrides. NEW: Title formatting: $day_of_week() function; returns index of day of week, Sunday is 1, Saturday is 7. (For use with $select().) NEW: Context menu: "Follow selection" option. If enabled, the element does not check whether a track is playing and always display the first track of the selection.